Subjects, Verb and Objects
- Subjects - One who does an action.
- Verb - Action is called verb.
- Objects - One who is affected by the action of subject.
- The teacher punished the boy.
- Subject - teacher
- Verb - punished
- Object - boy
The teacher punished the boy. (Active Voice)
When this sentence is converted to passive voice the 'object' act as 'subject' and vice-versa.
The boy was punished by the teacher. (Passive Voice)
- Subject - boyTeacher
- Verb - punished
- Object - teacher
- The dog bit the man. (Active Voice)
- The man was bitten by the dog. (Passive Voice)
I gave him a rupee. (Active Voice)
A rupee was given to him by me. (Passive Voice)
He was given a rupee by me. (Passive Voice)
When Active Voice contains two object the passive voice can be written in 2 forms such as..
- The teacher gave me two books. (Active Voice)
- Two books were given to me by the teacher. (Passive Voice)
- I was given two books by the teacher. (Passive Voice)
Here 'two books'(Direct Object) and 'me'(Indirect Object) are the two objects.
I gave him a rupee. (Active Voice)
A rupee was given to him by me. (Passive Voice)
He was given a rupee by me. (Passive Voice)
If Active Voice contains 'Continous Form Of Verb(verb showing a continous action) then use 'being' with verb in Passive Voice
- Juli is writing a letter. (Active Voice)
- A letter is being written by juli. (Passive Voice)
If Active Voice is in 'Perfect Tense' then use 'been' in Passive Voice
- John has killed a snake. (Active Voice)
- A snake has been killed by John. (Passive Voice)
If Active Voice is in 'Future Tense' then use 'been' in Passive Voice
- He will have brought some oranges. (Active Voice)
- Some oranges will have been brought by him. (Passive Voice)
✍️ T. A. Chandrashekhar
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