Homonyms generally include two categories of word types: homophones and homographs.
- Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
- Homophones are words that sound the same when you pronounce them, but have different meanings.
This list contains both homophones and homographs.
ade - drink type, as in lemonade
aid - to help or assist
aide - assistant
affect - change
effect - result or consequence
air - atmosphere (the stuff we breathe)
err - to make a mistake
aisle - walkway
I'll - I will
isle - island
allowed - permitted
aloud - out loud
ant - picnic pest
aunt - relative, as in your mom's sister
arc - curve
ark - Noah's boat
ate - chewed up and swallowed
eight - number after seven
bare - uncovered
bear - grizzly animal
berry - fruit from a bush
bury - to put underground
base - bottom part
bass - deep or low
be - to exist
bee - buzzing insect
beach - sandy shore
beech - type of tree
beat - to pound
beet - type of edible plant
berth - tie up
birth - to be born
bite - nibble
byte - 8 bits (computer data)
blew - past of blow
blue - color of ocean
boar - pig
bore - not interesting bore - to drill
borough - area or district
burrow - dig through
burro - small donkey
bough - branch
bow - bend or curtsy
buoy - floater
boy - young man
brake - stop pedal
break - smash
bread - bakery food
bred - form of breed
broach - mention
brooch - pin
brows - eyebrows
browse - look around
buy - purchase
by - beside
by - originating from,BR. bye - short for goodbye
cell - compartment
sell - vend
cent - penny coin
sent - did send
cereal - breakfast food
serial - sequential
Chile - country in South America
chili - bean stew
chilly - frosty
chord - musical tone
cord - rope
cite - quote
site - location
sight - view
close - opposite of open
clothes - clothing
complement - enhance; go together
compliment - praise
council - committee
counsel - guidance
creak - squeak
creek - stream of water
crews - gangs
cruise - ride on a boat
dear - darling
deer - woodland animal
dew - morning mist
do - operate
due - payable
die - cease to exist
dye - color
doe - female dear
dough - uncooked bread
dual - double
duel - battle
ewe - female sheep
you - second-person personal pronoun
eye - sight organ
I - me
fair - equal
fare - price
fairy - elflike creature with wings
ferry - boat
faze - impact
phase - stage
feat - achievement
feet - plural of foot
fir - type of tree
fur - animal hair
flea - small biting insect
flee - run
flew - did fly
flu - illness
flour - powdery, ground up grain
flower - blooming plant
for - on behalf of
fore - front
four - one more than three
forth - onward
fourth - number four
knew - did know
new - not old
gorilla - big ape
guerrilla - warrior
grease - fat
Greece - country in Europe
groan - moan
grown - form of grow
hair - head covering
hare - rabbit-like animal
hall - passageway
haul - tow
halve - cut in two parts
have - possess
hay - animal food
hey - interjection to get attention
heal - mend
heel - back of foot
hi - hello
high - up far
hoarse - croaky
horse - riding animal
hole - opening
whole - entire
holey - full of holes
holy - divine
wholly - entirely
hour - sixty minutes
our - belonging to us
knead - massage
need - desire
knight - feudal horseman
night - evening
knot - tied rope
not - negative
know - have knowledge
no - opposite of yes
lead - metal
led - was the leader
lessen - make smaller
lesson - class
loan - lend
lone - solitary
made - did make
maid - servant
mail - postage
male - opposite of female
marry - to wed
merry - very happy
meat - animal protein
meet - encounter
none - not any
nun - woman who takes special vows
oar - boat paddle
or - otherwise
ore - mineral
oh - expression of surprise or awe
owe - be obligated
one - single
won - did win
overdo - do too much
overdue - past due date
pail - bucket
pale - not bright
pain - hurt
pane - window glass
peace - calm
piece - segment
peak - highest point
peek - glance
plain - ordinary
plane - flight machine plane - flat surface
pole - post
poll - survey
poor - not rich
pour - make flow
pray - implore God
prey - quarry
principal - most important
principle - belief
rain - water from sky
rein - bridle
rap - tap
wrap - drape around
real - factual
reel - roll
right - correct; not left
write - scribble
ring - encircle
wring - squeeze
role - function
roll - rotate
rose - flower
rows - lines
sail - move by wind power
sale - bargain price
scene - landscape
seen - viewed
sea - ocean segment
see - observe with eyes
seam - joining edge
seem - appear
sew - connect with thread
so - as a result
sow - plant
soar - ascend
sore - hurt place
sole - single
soul - essence
some - a few
sum - amount
steal - swipe
steel - alloy
tail - animal's appendage
tale - story
their - belonging to them
there - at that place
they're - they are
to - toward
too - also
toe - foot appendage
tow - pull along
vary - differ
very - much
wail - howl
whale - huge swimming mammal
waist - area below ribs
waste - squander
wait - kill time
weight - measurable load
war - battle
wore - did wear
warn - caution
worn - used
way - path
weigh - measure mass
we - us
wee - tiny
weak - not strong
week - period of seven days
weather - climate
whether - if
which - that
witch - sorcerer
your - belonging to you
you're - you are
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